Tteok, HTML like Computer Language대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-08-29 13:43:52

Have you ever imagined programming with HTML? Actually, there is a computer language that tries to realize this imagination. The language is named "Tteok". Tteok is made by a student and still working for completion. Also, Tteok is based on two languages, HTML, and Lisp.

Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) is a standard markup language for web pages. HTML pages are made of HTML elements which are represented by tags, written using angle brackets. But HTML has limited elements, and as the name implies, it is a markup language, not a programming language.

On the other hand, Lisp is a computer programming language, a general-purpose

language. It means that Lisp can do almost anything you want to do, unlike HTML. And the unique point of this language is that the whole code is made of lists, enclosed by parentheses. To call a function, you have to write a list with the function's name first, and the arguments following.

Now, let's go back to the Tteok. Tteok has combined syntax. Tteok's syntax is basically based on HTML, which is made of tags, written with angle brackets. However, it follows Lisp's programming style such as prefix notation and using lists as codes. The difference with Lisp is that Tteok uses special elements, container instead of lists. Container is something like HTML's tag. It consists of two parts: container tag and container body. Container tag contains container's name and container's attributes, inspired by HTML's tag, and container body contains other elements. To call a function, you can write like the following:
< funcname attribute2=value2 attribute1=value1 > argument1 argument2 < /funcname >

Tteok is an incomplete language, and it is still developing. Someday, it will be possible to write code with HTML.


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