Rising of clinical trials대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-08-14 10:08:38

▲ The amounts of clinical trials are increasing.
 A clinical trial is a test or research conducted on a person for the purpose of demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of a new drug, food, madical device, or new surgical procedure. For example, in the case of clinical trials for medicines, it is conducted to indentify the effects of the drug and to check the effects of it. Also, in South Korea, the number of clinical trials condcuted rose to 17 percent on average annually. Last year, 658 clinical trials were counducted in South Korea, making them the sixth largest market for experiments or observations.

▲ Clinical trials about animals and humans.

 To develop medical treatments or other medicines, it is helpful and useful to do clinical trials. we can find newer treatments that are not yet available. In addition, the newer treatments may be more effective than standard treatments, and ultimately, they are more certain because we do some experiments using humans. However, 82 people were reported to have died during clinical trials from 2012 to June 2017, while 1,168 people were hospitalized due to life-threatening conditions, according to ministry data released by Rep. It means it is not safe anymore doing clinical trials. When we try some clinical trials, there are lots of risks and problems will be companioned. It is not possible to choose which treatment to have, and also, it is not sure whether the newer treatments might be more effective than standard treatments. Actually, there are some cases that the newer treatments might hav emore or different side effects which are more serious and cannot be treated. As companies do not inform of any side effects or possibilities of occurrence of problems, lots of people cannot notify why they have diseases.  

Ultimately, people who are in the control group will not receive the newer treatments. Some people agree about doing some experiments, but if they do not know any side effects or possible symptoms, their human-rights will not be protected. From invading their human rights and protecting them, clinical trials will be decreased or eliminated.

▲ We need some changes for us.
 In conclusion, nowadays, there are lots of clinical trials in the world. Lots of pepole experience some side effects or are situated in potential risks. Although there are some chances or developments of treatments in human lives, we also have to think about natural human existence and their lives. Killing people to develop treatments is not just and right. Therefore, we have to change our aspects and thinking and try to decrease or eliminate clinical trials, by doing campaign or movements.


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