Player Coach Have Saved Lives in Thailand대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-08-30 13:56:30

Imagine you are isolated in a cave because of the heavy rain. Can you survive for two weeks with just a few snacks and only cave ceiling's water? It is really difficult, so many people cannot survive in this situaton or give up to survive. However, miracle things hppened in Thailand.
The 12 youth soccer players and coach did spleunking after the soccer training. When they finished the cave exploration and the way to go out from the cave, suddenly a heavy rain poured. They did not know the rain poured outside. First, they blocked the rain water in the cave's entrance with rocks. Next, they ran to the inside of the cave. However, they were isolated in the cave. The world's various experts heard this accident and helped to salvage them. At the first time, their expected rescue date was four months but after 17 days, they could get out of the cave by many people's help.

▲ 12 youth soccer players and coach

How the players could survive for 14 days in a cave? They just had a few snacks and did not have some water. The coach told the children not to move much to protect their energy. When the children were thirsty, the coach gave the cave's ceiling water. The coach did not eat almost because he yielded to children everytime. When the children felt cold, the coach hugged them until they got into sleep. Like this, they spent ten days. After ten days, they were saved by England experts.

▲ they were saved

It took about nine hours to extract each of the 12 trapped players and their coach from the cave. To the end, the coach escaped at the conclusion. Fortunately , no one had serius injuries or diseases. This story gives an impression not only to Thailand nation but also to all over the world. What was really important was the coach and the boys all came out together and discussed staying strong, having the will to live, and having the will to survive.

▲ after rescue, they are in the hospital


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