Serious Material: Tobacco대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-08-30 13:54:39

Most people know that can cause lots of critical diseases that can lead to death. But many people don't think continue smoking as dangerous. Also some people has a false thinking that second hand smoking is not as dangerous as direct smoking. Also, many people are smoking by Electronic Ciga to quit smoking, however it is more dangerous than usual smoking. Also the government raised the taxes that addition of the Tobacco, however it not seems better.

▲ Tobacco smoke

The problem is that tobacco companies are hiding and using all sorts of special chemicals, including ammonia, to speed up nicotine absorption and improve the taste of cigarettes. At the same time, On the other hand, the Electronic Cigarettes are well known as quit smoking, howevr the Electronic Cigarettes has not yet been tested to help quit smoking, and electronic cigarettes are not obligated to display ingredients, so consumers do not know what harmful ingredients are involved.

▲ electronic ciga

Moreover, many people do not think that second hand smoking is not as harmful than direct smoking. However, according to research second hand smoking is more dangerous than usual smoking. It's because, second hand smokers are more exposed to smoked smoke than to smokers. Thus, second hand smoke is much more dangerous than direct cigarette smoking. For example, children in household where parents are smoking is said to have a higher rate of acute respiratory illness or lung cancer than children in the family who do not smoke.

▲ second-hand smoking

The problem is, smoking contains more than 4000 harmful chemicals that increase the flavor of Tobacco and the absorb. Futhermore, smoking can increases the chance of having disease can finally lead to death. Also, people have some false thinking of smoking. All kinds of smoking is dangerous and this kind of things can not stop. Moreover, some people thought Electronic Ciga as a good method that help to quit smoking. However, Electronic Cigarettes are not a best choice to quit smoking. Although the government has raised taxes on tobacco for public health, but there are still a large number of users.

2018.06.17 by 민동건


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