The Era of Terminator or The Era of I, Robot대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-06-09 16:34:56

Have you seen a movie, "Terminator" and "I, Robot"? There are a lot of humanoid robots in those movies. Humanoid is the robot similar to human. Many people think that the terminator or I, robot cannot exist today. However, amazingly, there is a company that makes a humanoid robot that can walk, jump, and even sprints' the Boston Dynamics.

Boston Dynamics has made a lot of robots; Handle Spot, SpotMini, Atlas, Big Dog, Wild Cat, Cheetah, and many more. A handle is a robot, which has wheels on legs and has two arms. Spot and SpotMini are four-legged robots, and Atlas is Humanoid. Big Dog is also a four-legged robot, but it is bigger than Spot because it is used in military service. Wild Cat and Cheetah are the fastest four-legged robots in the world. Today, I want to introduce two main robots in Boston Dynamics; Atlas and SpotMini.

▲ The Terminator

Atlas is a cutting-edge humanoid. Many companies want it because it has a humanlike body. It is 1.5 meters tall, 75 kilograms. IT can pick at 11 kilograms, and it can see and scan surrounding by LiDAR and Stereo Vision. It already has great specifications, but it has more. It has a great sensitivity of balancing, so it can walk, stand up, walk through the mountain road, and even sprint. Nevertheless, the most interesting ability is the back dumpling. It can learn through computer AI and learn how to do back dumpling. Humans cannot do back dumpling easily, but robots do.

▲ The Altas

▲ Atlas does back flip (back dumpling)

SpotMini is also a cutting-edge four-legged robot in the world. It is small and light, but it can pick up 14 kg. It also has 3D vision system. There is also a lot of sensors, including stereo cameras, depth cameras, IMU (=inertial measurement unit) and position/force sensors. If we set the destination of it, it can go wherever it can walk through, such as stairs, mountain road, and many more. It can realize the surrounding through many sensors and cameras, so it can revise the route for the destination. If there is something that cannot go itself, other SpotMini can help each other.

▲ The SpotMini

The future we saw in the movies is near, and it is the time that we need to think about our future. Is it the future of robot or humanity? Is the future can be the era of Terminator or I, Robot?


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