Busan, Date Violence대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-03 16:27:22

▲ CCTV, Message picture

 On 26, the Busan Police said that it had sent the attacker man A for the Busan dating violence to the

prosecution. Last 21, at 8:40 p.m., he visited his girlfriend's house in Busan, and he detention and assult.

later, she revealed the fact that she was beaten by the victim on her SNS account and the CCTV footage on the elevator.

 In the CCTV, the man shocked many people by dragging the woman into his house like a suitcase. Even,

the woman were only underwear.

After, in a subsequent interview with CBS Radio, the woman said, my boyfriend hold my neck. And my

boyfirend said "why do you want to break up? I don't want to break up with you." Also he told "If you don't

follow me to my house, I'll crack your all the teeth."

but, I rejection him. And then he tore my clothes and hit my anticardium and face with his feet. After, when I fainted, he grabbed my hair and dragged it along like a dead body. Subsequently, At his home, he put the water on my face and hit. When I woke up, he clothed me saying with "I'll clothed princess clothes," but I got goose bumps.  "He threatened to kill me and himself if I don't tell well to police even after he was arrested. awful." she said.

According to the National Police Agency's report, the average number of date attacks between 2011 and 2015 was 7,296. In addition, 233 victims have died in the past five years. Every year 46 people die of dating violence.


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