CyberSlug, the Trigger of Super Artificial Intelligence대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 15:22:55

▲ Artificial Intelligence

Have you seen the movie "Iron Man"? There is an AI secretary that helps Stark. However, as you can notice, this is not the same as the AI that you use at home. It can think itself, and the most important thing is that it can make a decision. It helps to do something while Stark cannot decide. Many other SF movies have this charming AI. The researchers in the University of Illinois, in America, made a realistic AI slug that can think.

▲ The University of Illinois

Some people think that it is funny to make an AI slug, not some intelligent AI mammal. However, as we know, we cannot make a perfect AI at first. The slug, Carmidoris armata, the most simple and complex AI, became the first AI animal. We call this as CyberSlug. The simple method of this is by the two brain cells; the motivator and controller. The motivator can catch the image of food, supposing these cells are for intake. Then, the cell sends the information to the brain, While sending this information, the controller thinks if he is really hungry. Then, these two cells help to think and make a decision. You may think it is easy, but if there are more condition, it can be difficult. Suppose you are hungry, and you are in the forest. You need to eat something, but in front of you, there is a mushroom. Then, you need to think whether it has poison or not. We have five senses, so there is more information to handle. However, they made it by eating algorithm, evading algorithm, and reproduction algorithm by deep learning. So, it looks like a real slug.

▲ The way how CyberSlug think

The professor of the University of Illinois said, that the first reaction of the CyberSlug is evading, but it can learn aggression by experiencing starving and eating. Then it now has the intelligence of our ancestors. Now is the time for the more complex circuit to teach the society.

▲ The ˝CyberSlug˝

As I said, the complex thing cannot be made on the first try, and as time goes by, it can be more complex and smarter. The super artificial intelligence can exist by the mimic. I hope there will be a super artificial intelligence and CyberHuman in the future.


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