\"Black Desert Mobile\" Was Launched.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-03 16:34:56

The "Black Desert Mobile" was launched on February 28, 2018 with five million preregistration. It was downloaded five million times in five hours, and got first rank at Google Playstore and Apple App Store.

▲ The picture of Black Desert Mobile

What made "Black Desert Mobile" catch popularity? The answer is that it is different from any other mobile games. It is because this game can be played without any amount involved unlike any other games. Alsom "Black Desert Mobile" has better graphics than PC version of Black Desert. Generally speaking, PC version has much higher quality than mobile because PC has many advantages than mobile especially when it comes to capacity, CPU performance, size and existence and nonexistence of graphic card. However, even though this game's mobile version has higher quality than the PC version, it does not require very high specifications.However, although "Black Desert Mobile" has a lot of advantages than other games, it is just a mass-produced game. For instance, for the higher ability, you have to use automatic fight system, which all mass-produced games have. Also, there is very huge fault; it has a gap big gap between paid users and unpaid users. Though "Black Desert Mobile" has a lot of pros and cons, one thing is for sure, it is a well-made game.

▲ Customization picture from˝http://sports.news.naver.com/esports/news/read.nhn?oid=442&aid=0000073793˝

"Black Desert Mobile" is made by Pearl Abyss, which got many expectations through "Black Desert Online", and it was published on February 28th, 2018. It got famous because of the non-pay system, and it has a higher quality version that than of. However, it has disadvantages like having repetitive automatic fights and having a high gap between paying and non paying users. However, Pearl Abyss has also made pay system in order to decorate avatar.

▲ fight scene from ˝http://www.thegames.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=203355˝


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