An Interesting Cafe Related to Sheep대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 14:16:59

In Korea, there are many facilities that we can enjoy with our friends or families everywhere, especially in Seoul, which is the capital of South Korea. Not only Seoul but also some other areas have these facilities such as escape rooms, board game cafes, singing rooms and dog cafes. Also, there are many places where people can feel comfortable such as massage shops and skin care shops. Then, are there other places that can make people feel comfortable? One of the most comforting places is a sheep cafe named Thanks Nature.

Sheep Cafe, also known as Thanks Nature, is located in front of Hongik University. It is a semi-basement, and there are just two sheep every day. The sheep come from Gangwon Province's Daegwallyeong. If there are just two sheep staying in that cafe, they may feel stressful. So, to minimize sheep's stress, the cafe's owner made the company, raising those sheep, to change the sheep twice a year.If it is okay to raise in the cafe for more than one year, people will do so.

▲ Two sheep in the cafe named Thanks Nature

One reason why this cafe is famous is that of the sheep. Visitors can pet and feed them outdoors or indoors after ordering beverages and something to eat. Another reason why this cafe is famous is not only the sheep but also the cafe's menu. The menu includes waffles, bread, fresh fruit ade, and coffee. These menus are very famous for visitors.

▲ One of the menus in the Thanks Nature: Waffle&Ice cream

One of the many articles about sheep said that the sheep sometimes appeared out of the cafe like in the street in the past. It was because the sheep wanted some large plains, but there were caught in the cafe all the time. Also, in 2015, there was an article about it. That is why Seoul is the coolest area in Asia. In the top twenty-five, the sheep cafe named Thanks Nature ranks 16th. Many people have not seen sheep, especially other areas' citizens. Now, that you know about the sheep cafe, why not go to the sheep cafe in front of Hongik University?

Mar.24th, by Taehee Lim


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