Disciplines in the Society We Live In All About Sociology대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 13:47:50

▲ Our Relationship In Society

Have you thought how our society works? People do not think about the importance of sociology. However, it is important, and there are some disciplines to study about. We can study the development, structure, and functioning of human society in sociology. Sociology is about our life and action towards our society, and it is expected to persist one realm of the most important disciplines to live by.

Sociology studies about the theory and method which analyze various phenomena and problems in each society and find the best solutions to these social problems such as traffic congestion, sexual discrimination, and racial discrimination. Students of sociology are usually employed in the press as local news reporters or be employed in sociology academia and national policy research institutes. Recently, they can be employed in a social survey and advertising enterprises.

There was an interview with a sociology professor, Carrer Net. He said that sociology is a realm which can help people prepare a lot of ideas and solutions to the problem of our social relationship, the cultural characteristic that unique groups have, and international society. Therefore, he believes that the worth of sociology will become even higher in the future society.

Sociology needs wide interests on a lot of social phenomena and problems. It is said that it is helpful to study sociology for us to have logical analytical skills, perception, and demographic knowledge. The sociology professor shared that it is very important to study sociology first for us to understand and solve the problems of the society.


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