We gets the medal대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-03 16:38:13

▲ Mark of 22018 Pyeong Chang Olympic games

2018 olympic was held in Korea, 2018 pyeong chang olympic. Then, imagine your country get the gold medal or silver medal or brozen medal. How about? It is exciting and tight. Like this Korean is a powerful country of the short track speed skating and skeleton. So, in 2018 pyeong chang olympic shorttrack speed skating and skeleton parts of players' medal is a half of amount of Korea medal.

▲ Speed Skating Player, Lim-hyo jun

First shorttrack speed skating is proud of Korea. So, player Lim hyo jun and Hang dae hyun take part in men's 500m and Lim hyo jun get gold medal but Hang dae hyun tumble while the play. Also, the girl 3000m relay was miracle. Because our team was tumble but the player was not embarrassed and touched the next player. So we gradually catch up and we break a olympic record. And get the gold medal.

▲ Skeleton player, Yoon Hyun- bin
Do you know the skeleton? The way of play skeleton is the plater lie face down and speed the track. The medalist Yoon sung bin is emperor of skeleton. Because he start the skeleton at the age of 19. Others start at the childhood. But he get the gold medal made a difference a second to rank second.
Thus, Korea is a powerful country of ice sketting and skeleton.

So, the korea's medal amount is standard February 24th gold is four, silver is four and brzen is four. So, the Korean medal amount is nine of the world. Also, the player seek medal at the women's culing.


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