Working As a Journalist대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 13:45:25

I would like to tell you about journalists this time. Journalists collect news, edit news, and critique news. They have two different types of job. One is a reporter, and the other is an editor. The reporter collects news, and the editor edits, and critiques news.

▲ In a hard situation, the reporter is working hard.

Journalists do many things. First, they report about an accident, case, politics, and economy. Second, news reporters and magazine writers TV reporters are known as the announcers. They report news about politics, accident, and economy. Newspaper reporters collect news so do the magazine writers.
In an interview with Kim Na Na, she said that a reporter is the center of the news, as she knows much about the news, so it is enjoyable. Secondly, when she was asked about the needed things. Then she was asked about the hard things that a reporter, often experiences, she said she cannot sleep well because she has to investigate news, so her health is getting worse.
To be a journalist, we have to pass the test that is given by the press. I heard that the test is very hard. Next, the level of education needs to be high. The people said a reporter needs to be very smart, so the level of education needs to be high. Lastly, it is easy to be a reporter if you have graduated from in junior college. Do you want to be a reporter?


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