Things About Psychiatrist대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 13:09:11

Have you ever seen the drama, "It's Okay, That's Love"? In this drama, there is a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is the one who helps all age groups to live an ordinary and happy life and to release stress through counseling. Until the year 1990, people did not feel the need of treatment for their mental problems. However, nowadays, many people need treatment and counseling, and they want to live more happily. So, a psychiatrist's promising work is good.

▲ Among, the drama, ˝It`s Okay, That`s love˝. The main character doing conference.

The psychiatrist's main work is helping those who need counseling and treatment for their mental problems because of stress, and those who cannot live normally. Many people are confused between psychiatrist and psychologist. The psychiatrist prescribes drugs. However, the psychologist does not prescribe drugs. These days, many people suffer from depression and mental disease. So, they must take medicines. The psychologist, cannot prescribe medications except when one has taken a course in psychopharmacology. On the other hand, the psychiatrist can do it. it is one of the differences between psychiatrist and psychologist.

The psychiatrist tests every patient's mental conditions and gives them treatment and counseling. There are many kinds of treatment. I light treatment, there are light therapy, hypnosis, and aromatherapy. In-depth treatment, there are counseling and brain analysis. Some patients need light treatment, and some need depth treatment. In a word, each person needs different treatment methods. so, if you need treatment for your mental condition, you just make a choice for what you need.

To be a psychiatrist, first, you must graduate from a college of medicine, and it is six years in a process. Second, you must pass the national examination for medical practitioners. The third, you need to do an internship for one year, choose a department, and become a resident for four years. To be a psychiatrist, you need lots of effort and passion. It is hard to be a psychiatrist. However, if you become one you can help other people who need help, and you can contribute to the society. Some people think, that having a mental disease is shameful. However, it is not. So, do not hesitate to ask for needed treatment!


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