The Korean Police Force Admission in 2018 and Qualification대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-04-06 12:48:57

The Korean Police Force is the best way to become a police officer because when someone enters the police force, he can be a high-class police officer at first. So, it is very hard to enter the police force.
Anyway, as usual, this year, the Korean Police Force chose their 100 students. There are 88 men and 12 women. They pick their students strictly because they want to make the students become strong police officers. They test them on paper and physical test. For the paper test, there is a test for Korean, mathematics, and English. For the physical test, they do 100 running, 1000 running, sit-up, the strength of grasp, and push-up. These steps can help them choose the good students.
This year, the persons concerned said that the competition rate is decreased. "The overlapping of the first test day with the military academy this year, unlike previous one, is believed to have affected the decline in the competition this year." This means, the competition rate is decreased this year, so students passed easily unlike in the previous year.
Therefore, we can conclude that the police force is hard to enter, and police officers who graduated the police force are very diligent and patient. We have to respect them.

▲ the mark of the Korea National Police University


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