An Astronomer Who Yields Up the Secrets of the Universe대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-03-13 15:48:54

▲ Giant Magellan Telescope

▲ Yonsei University

Nowadays, the unemployment rate is increasing gradually. One of the best jobs nowadays is that of an astronomer. Astronomer is a kind of scientist. Astronomer needs great creativity and ability in mathematics. The work that astronomers do is finding planets, stars, or black holes, and make a telescope to observe the universe. For example, astronomers made Giant Magellan Telescope, which is ten-time clearer than Hubble Space Telescope.

In an interview with an astronomer, he said that astronomers need not to be subjective. They should not also hurry, and they need to check research results again and again because they should focus on the fact, not opinion, and give correct information to people. It means that if astronomers give wrong information, people all over the world will be misled. Also, he said that astronomers always bring notes. they do not continue researching for long. They take notes and research whenever they get an idea. So, astronomers have a really dangerous job, and they should always standby.

To become an astronomer, people need to graduate from a good school. If they graduate from a common university, it will be hard to enter a company. Some of the best schools to become an astronomer are Busan Science High School and Yonsei University. Busan Science High School got the first prize in an astronomy department. However, to enter this school, the applicants need to get A in all of the tests. It means they should get a score of 90 or above. Yonsei University has an astronomy department and observatory. Most of the universities do not have these.

In the future, more jobs will disappear, and the unemployment rate will continue to increase. However, the job of astronomers will not disappear and will maintain for quite long. To sum up, becoming an astronomer is really hard, but it is an interesting and arcane job.


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