Serving as an Entertainer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-03-13 15:16:13
  • 수정 2018-03-13 15:16:38

Nowadays, the actor competition rate is increasing. There are many unpopular actors in South Korea. Actors perform roles of character in dramas, movies, and TV dramas and take actions according to the directions of scripts and, directors. I recommend Dongguk University, department of theater and film. Dongguk University graduate top actresses are Park Ha-sun, Han Hyo-joo, Jun Ji-hyun, Kim Ji-won and many more.

▲ This picture is actress Kim Ji-won ˝Fight for my way˝ script reading site.

When a character is cast in a play, a movie, a drama, the character of a person in the play is grasped. Also, a facial expression or action is practiced, and a script is memorized. In order to harmonize with the other performers, actors will practice the script before the shooting or performances and prepare the costumes, props, and dresses that can express the character of a person in consultation with the person in charge. Theater actors perform on the limited stage against the audience.

Actors' qualifications are not absolutely high, but they should have the elegant appearance and acting ability. They must also have their own personality which is different from other actors.

Actor Kim Ji-hoon said that he can do anything for acting, and it can be anything. He also buys and coordinates all his clothes to make them look like a real test, and he can do his best to be in a character no matter what role he plays. Actors must show their different styles to the audience. Nowadays, the audience wants to see actors' versatility. So, they have to make a lot of effort.

There are many unpopular actors. Nowadays, they must not give up and all of them must see the bright light. I support all actors in South Korea.

▲ This picture is ˝Strong woman Do Bong-soon ˝ drama script.


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