Let Use Think about Electronic Engineering Technician대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-03-13 15:07:51

Look around your house. You can see many electronic things. Electronic is around our life, and it will be around our lives in the future, Then, let us think about electronic engineering technician. It usually makes the new electronic things. Then, in the future, we may need electronic engineering technician more than you thought. Also, it means we can think it is a bright job in the future.

▲ the man who is engineering the electronic parts

Then, we know that electronic engineering technician is the bright job. Then, let us think what it usually does. First, its main working is planning and developing new electronic products. They usually get money by planning electronic products. However, sometimes, they survey trend of technology and products. In addition, if they make the new product's map, they can patent a new product's map.

We know what they do. Then, let us think about what we should do for becoming electronic engineering technician. Electronic needs good thinking about Mathematics and Science of Physics. They are indispensable for it. Also, we have to graduate technical college. However, almost all electronic engineering technicians are graduated from a university for it. Also, an electronic engineering technician should manage computer well, because electronic engineering works are made up of using the computer.


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