What is AI Expert?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-03-13 14:48:54

In industrial settings, robots work and assist people. However, now robots are like humans, and they are

being operated through a remote control or voice recognition system. Recently, the new humanoid robot, Sophia, was invented. Because of the development of AI technology, there are some controversies about it, and people are asking if robots can replace humans. Despite these controversies, it will become more 
significant that brain-centered fusion technique and AI experts will perform this technique.

▲ Human and AI Technology

AI is the abbreviation of artificial intelligence. It is a technique wherein computers or robots think like humans. AI experts develop robots which can do self-study. They work not only to store knowledge from various fields but also connect knowledge and find a new one. Also, AI experts develop communication technology, and it can give the users suitable service. Ai can separate Strong AI and Weak AI. Strong AI has self-consciousness, so it can refuse order and attend its business on its own. On the other hand, Weak AI does not have self-consciousness, so it carries out only what is ordered. Strong AI does not have a big result yet, but scientists have developed the humanoid Sophia lately, so it can be successful.
The development of AI has very promising results. Becoming an aging and a fusion technology society, that will be more important in a community. To become an artificial intelligence expert, one has to have mathematical qualities and creativity. Also, he needs to have creative ideas and expertise in computer engineering information and software.
The Industrial Revolution began with the development of the steam engine, but we are facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution now. It will influence our life and worldwide, too. We hope that we can live a better life.


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