Along with the Gods대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-03 16:41:09

     Along with the Gods,(part-one) is expected to be a box office hit. It is a rantasy action movie that was opened last December. The movie is directed by Kim Yong-hwa and is based on a popular webtoon by Joo Ho-min. It was made two parts about a righteous firefighter who died because of an accident and judged in the wevern hells with three grim reapers and three grim reaper's past and the reason why they are gathering each other and tae hyun's effprt to save his younger brother. The part two will open in summer.

▲ Three grim reapers with fire fighter

     The movie's characters are Ha Jung woo, Ju Ji-hoon and Kim Hyang Gi, and Cha Tae-hyun. The flim is about a righteous firefighter who died because of an accidental death and judged in seven hells for 49 days after his death with three grim reapers. The differences between the movie and the webtoon are Tae-hyun's job and the reason why he died. The part two is scheduled to open this summer. fantasy action movie is currently the third most-viewed flim of all time in south Korea after "roaring currents" and " Ode to My Father".

▲ Three grim reapers with fire fighter

     Along with the Gods is expected to surpass a cumulative audience of 14 million. The movie has garnered 13.85 million veiws as of Saturday. It has hit 25 million dollars internationally sweeping box offices in Tauwan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia. Also, it is expected to pull in sbout four billion won in the IPTV and overseas theater markets. A Lot of people praised the products so much. Also, the are one has continously unturn.

▲ Ha Jung woo

     Along with the Gods has two parts. Part two will open in summer. People have expected the part two, how exciting it is, and a lot of people want to watch it as soon as possible. Part two is about three grim reapers' past and the reason why they are gathering each other, and Tae-hyun's effort to save his younger brother. Also, lots of people praised the movie's part-one, and many people think that it will also be a box office.

Feb. 18th, by 이은비


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