Come Farmer‘s Market and Enjoy Organic Food!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-05-03 16:41:26

▲ Uljang farmers market was held in DDP

Nowdays, young men who are suffered from losing a job are getting interested in eco-friendly farming challenge and consuver's safe food. Also, according to the return farm center, in 2016, households goinng back to farming were almost 50 millions. As the interests about eco-friendly farming increases, Farmers Markets in the city are becoming popular.

▲ Consuumers are enjoying organic products and food directly.

Farmers market is the market where farmers can directly sell their agricultural products to consumers. In Seoul, young farmers market, "Uljang" is the representative. The name of the market is a short word for "Honest farmers market who have spirit and affection". It is a place where 50 people of young farmers or household farmers meet their consumers directly, and they sell agricultural products in the season or eco-friendly agricultural products in the market. The purpose of the market is to promote eco-friendly agricultural products and increase revenue of farmers by directly selling. It opens every 2nd and 4th of Saturday from 11:00AM to 7:00 PM in DDP in Seoul.

▲ There are eco-friendly organic local food in farmers market.

Uljang farmers market's biggest advantage is that it doesn't pass the process of distribution. So, you can the meet farmers and buy fresh agricultural products with sincerity. Also, the price is about 30% cheaper than those in the market, of course. Also, they sell not only primary agricultural products such as strawbery and wtermelon, also terrifying food like jam, tea, and naturally fermented bread. So, you can enjoy the healthy and tasty food without chemical additives.
▲ There are not only mushrooms, also mushroom snacks and salt.
▲ There are also beeswax rice cake.

"Uljang" is run by young-age farmers, which have many fresh and new ideas on products. For instance, cookies made by rice and beeswax rice cake(rice cake painted with beeswax) are its representative. Without selling food, there are another activities in the market such as photo studio. You can take a black and white photograph, and cherish your memory in the market,too. They also sel small size of plants which are suitable to grow in house and in the company.

▲ Uljang farmers market holds every 2nd and 4th Saturday.

If you go to DDP in Seoul on 2nd or 4th Saturday, you can buy fresh agricultural products and also enjoy healthy and tasty food. How about going to Uljang?

By 송주연 Jen 18th


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