Pak Jong-Chol Civil Campaigner대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-02-22 17:06:20

In 1987, a student was tormented in a bathtub. A police officer clutched his hair, and his hair sank in the water for a long time. A few times later, the student could not move, he was weak, and then, he died. Right, he died because of water torture. The student's name is Pak Jong-Chol. He was a student at Seoul University, and he was a civil campaigner. He died because he was the lead civil campaigner.

▲ Pak Jong-Chol`s water torture

When Pak Jong-Chol died, police officers and ministers wanted to hide his death. So, they wanted to cremate him, however, the attorney doubted Pak Jong-Chol's death. This is because Pak Jonh-Chol's family did nit know about his death after eight hours. So, the attorney searched about his death, and a reporter knew about it. So, in South Korea, his death became known. They were very angry because the police officers killed the civil campaigner by water torture. So, they complained to the government, however, government and minister denied the death of Pak Jong-Chol. When the minister was interviewed, he said to the reporter "When the examiner hit the desk, Pak Jong-Chol died of heart attack." However, people did not believe that because Pak Jong-Chol was very healthy, and he was only 20 years old. Many attorneys, reporters, and people did their best to find the truth. Then, the truth came out into the open.

▲ the picture of complain

In the movie, 1987, the director described the building, clothes, and atmosphere very well. So, people who lived in 1987 could feel it. Also, they cried after the movie, and they want to recommend it many people. Also, some actors in the movie,1987, participated in the demonstration. Those who watched the movie stated that it is the best movie about Pak Jong- Chol, and they want to watch this movie again.
There are many kinds of movies in South Korea, however, I want to recommend the Korean historical movie like 1987. When we watched historical movies, we can think about history a

gain, and we can have interest more in the thing in the past.

▲ the movie poster

Feb. 11th, by Sebin Hwang


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