Popular cats for people대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-02-22 16:39:41

▲ 출처 : naver_gettyimagebank

These days there are many people who have a pet. But not all people's pets are same. Most of the people have a dog for a pet. But there are also people who have a cat for a pet. Among many kinds of cats, these three cats are popular to the people who have a cat for a pet.

▲ Norwegian Forest cat

The most popular cat is Norwegian Forest cat. Norwegian Forest cat-like people and have a lovely character. Also, they are the mischievous cat, too. So, Norwegian Forest cat likes to climb a tree. This kind of cat gets along well with other kinds of cats. Also, they don't like to be alone but like to be together. Different from other cats, they like to take a walk.

▲ Ragdoll cat

The second popular cat is Ragdoll. Ragdoll cats have blue eyes. They have gentle and relaxed character. They also have good patience. So, they can get children's joke. For this reason, most of the family with children have Ragdoll cat for a pet.

▲ Scottish Fold cat

The third popular cat is Scottish Fold. Scottish Fold's most popular character is that they're ears are folded. They have soft and friendly voice and have circle head, so its nickname was owl teddy bear fairy. Same as Norwegian Forest cat, they like people. They are also kind. They have quick adaptability in new environment.

For this reason, Norwegian Forest cat, Ragdoll, and Scottish Fold are loved by many people. There are also many kinds of cats such as Turkish Angora, Siam, Japanese bobtail, or etc. All kinds of cats have its own characteristic, and by this people's preference is divided.

▲ the source of photograph : Naver


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