Currently on Showing, Keys to the World대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-02-22 16:36:44

These days, there are many movies now showing. On January 17th, 2018, Keys to the Heart was released. The movie was directed by Seong-hyun Choi, and characters of the movie are Byung-hun Lee, Jeong-min Park, Yeo-jung Yun and others. It is ranked number two in the ticket sale. The genre of the movie is comedy-drama.

▲ poster of the movie
The main character of this movie, Byun-hun Lee, was Champion of WBC. However, he lost all his money by accident. One day, he met his mother who had left him at 17 years ago due to his father's assault. He started to leave with his mother and his brother. At first, he did not like to leave with his brother and mother so he wanted to run away from the house. His brother has been suffered from the savant syndrome and he could not talk freely but he could play the piano very well.
▲ one scene of the movie
Over time, the main character of the movie, Byung hun Lee, adapted to leave with his brother and mother. After he noticed his mother was suffered from illness, he helped his brother to participate in the piano concert and he also helped her mom to see his brother's concert.

This movie is comedy movie and also a sad one. The main character of the movie, Byung-hun Lee and his brother understand each other and leave together. This movie has been adored by many people. If you hesitate whether to watch this movie, this movie would be worthy of your time and money.


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