The Movie \"Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds, 2017\" Exceeded 14 Million!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-02-05 15:28:40

According to the Film Promotion Committee Integrated Network, "Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds, 2017" recorded a total of 1,417,133 cumulative audiences. With this, "Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds, 2017" has exceeded the 14 million audience notice for the third time in the history of Korean films released in Korea.

"Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds, 2017"is originated in Naver Webtoon, which was drawn by Joo ho min, the Webtoon writer. To summarize, the Kim Ja-Hong, the main character of the movie is sentenced by Kings of the Underworld for 49 days with the dead lions. Ha Jung Woo, Ju Ji Hoon, Kim Hyang Ki and Cha Tae Hyun acts as the main character of the movie.

Before the movie rolls out, netizens have a negative reaction because the movie is very different when compared with the original. However, the audiences who saw the movie said that "There was no boredom for a moment, and the absence of a genuine lawyer did not feel well". Lotte entertainment, that released the movie said, "The audience's acceptance of the movie genre has expanded enough to accept the Korean fantasy naturally" and, "After the audience watches the movie, they recognize the message "filial piety" in family affection and forgiveness and chooses it as a movie which watches with the family again.

On the other hand, Lotte entertainment is planning to release the other series of the "Along With the Gods", including the "Along With the Gods: Human and relationship" and audiences are expecting it.


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