The first game of the Asia professional Baseball Championship대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-02-05 15:18:08
  • 수정 2018-02-05 15:45:29

The first game of the Asia professional Baseball Championship

by Min-seok Kim

the Asia Professional Baseball Championship was held on November 16th to 19th, 2017. That championship game is held every four years. In the Asia Professional Baseball Championship, there were three teams. Those teams were from South Korea, Japan, and Chinese Taipei. The Japanese team won the first game of the Asia Professional Baseball Championship. This is the first time to get competition with new rules.

In two games, the Korean team lost against the Japanese team. In the first preliminary games, the score is 7:8, and in the final games, the score is 0:7. The Korean team could win in the first preliminary games, but they lost in the final games, our team's players had a bad condition. So, our team did not win at the game.

The Korean MVP is Ja Wook Koo. Everyone expected it to be Lee Jung Hoo or Kim ha Sung. However, many MLB scouts said, "Though Ja Wook Koo did not have the hit, he carried the team very well and got a nice swing." He did well the captain's work. If he hit the ball at that time. the Korean team could win the game.

The Asia Professional Baseball championship was held for the time in 2017. That competition is held every 4 years. The next game will be held in 2021. The rule of the Asia Professional Baseball Championship is to get players who play baseball in the baseball league for less than three years and must be under 24 years old. About this championship game, It will be famous and popular in the future.

▲출처: mydaily 뉴스포토

Jung-hoo Lee who is Korean baseball player


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