\"Your Name\"; Remember\" Coming Back Soon대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-01-25 18:26:45

▲ The poster of ˝Your Name˝
How do you feel if your body is exchanged with the body of another person? Actually, it is a part of the movie, "Your Name", which premiered on January 4, 2017. At that time, many South Korean went crazy over this movie's fresh theme. For 13 years, the "Howls Moving Castle" comprised the top of the animation, but "Your name" took away its crown. It has good news for the viewers who watched it and were impressed. The movie, "Your name", will be re-released on January 4, 2018, to celebrate its first anniversary.

Most people wonder why this movie re-releases. The reason is it can console the families who lost their loved ones during the ferry disaster, the death of Shinee member, Jon
ghyeon, the fire incident in Jecheon and many others. Also, some critics guess that it can run the first-run film because of the economic condition, caused by the great east Japan earthquake.

"Your name" is a miracle love story of high school students. The girl, Mitsuha, who lives in the countryside, and the boy, Taki, who lives in a city, dreamed a special dream about exchanging their bodies. They became friends by leaving notes. However, Mitsuha's town was destroyed, and she died three years. So, Taki tried to save her life. Finally, he was able to save her life, but they lived in oblivion. At the end of the movie, they met and asked each other's name.

"Your Name's" director is Shinkai Makoto who has many awards for animation. He has three major works including "Your name" and "5 Centimeter per Second", which is about Takaki and Akari's love story which goes beyond distance and speed. The title, "5 Centimeter per Second", means the rate of cherry blossoms' fall. The other movie is "The Garden of Words". It is well-known as "5 Centimeter per Second's" sequel. Both movies received a platinum award for the 10th Future Film Festival in 2008 and Bucheon Fantastic Film Festival's Best Animation Prize in 2013 in order. Like "Your Name", they are good movies, which can make us of our life once again. I recommend you to watch them when you are free.

[덧붙이는 글]
사진출처 : https://blog.naver.com/opgh1/220776142479

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