Uniformity of Long Padded Coats대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-01-12 13:42:10

When I was working for student council, I could see many students decked out in black padded jackets that came down to their knees or even longer. One of my neighbors said that they do not look like pretty and seems to be uncomfortable because of their length. However, long padded coats are worn by a lot of students as you can see in front of the school gate.

▲ The students who are wearing long padded coats

In any classroom, about 2/3 of students wear long padded coats. Now, they are seemed to be a school uniform for all schools, and the number of students buying long padded coats are still increasing. When this situation stay out longer, some people said that all of the students will wear long padded coats.

▲ Students wearing long padded coats because of social sympathy

The fashion designer Lee Mi Suk said that the reason of wearing of long padded coats can be classified four reasons. First, people wear long padded coats because of social sympathy. Youn Ji Su, a mother of two middle school students bought long padded coats for her sons because children do not want to be single out by classmates and want to keep the latest trend. Second, long padded coats are warmer than other usual padded coats. One of my best friends, Gwak Seung Jun, said that they are very warm, and they are especially good for female students because they wear skirts. Next, some long padded coats are cheaper than other coats. For example, Pyeongchang Olympic long padded coats cost about 110 thousand won when other coats cost about 500 thousand won. For the final reason, it is because a lot of entertainers wear it. Psychologist Jang Jin Won said that adolescents tend to copy celebrities, fashion.

▲ Lots of entertainer wear long padded coats

Some critics see a hue of materialism in long padded coats. However, Lee Mi Sook, a fashion designer, said that students can find a comfort in the uniformity with others. With this social sympathy, many people predict the trend of long padded coats will be continued.

Dec 9th, by Jang Jin Young


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