Latest Korean Movie, Along with Gods대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-01-12 13:40:13

▲ The Original `Along with Gods`

After the comic, which is posted on the Internet website, ‘Along with Gods’, has decided to be realized as a movie, people both expressed expectation and concern. Since there are a lot of original best sellers which failed to succeed with realization, people could not be just excited. After all, the movie opened on December 20th, 2017, and it is now a top scorer in the recent box office.

▲ 3 Angels of Death

The story begins with a dead firefighter, Kim Ja Hong, who was considered as a righteous person, going into the underworld in order to get judgment. One should pass 7 trials up to 49 days for new life, and 3 angels of death followed and supported his judgment as lawyers to make him pass the trial safely. The main character, Kim Ja Hong, had some difficulties during the trial, but he overcomes it and resolved the remained conflicts with his family, thanks to angels’ help.

▲ Kim Ja Hong, as a Fire Fighter

Even though the movie became successful, there are some people who became uncomfortable, since it is a little bit different with the original comic. In the comic, the main character, Kim Ja Hong, was not a firefighter, but an ordinary salaryman. Also, in the original comic, the 3 angels were not lawyers; they were just angels who brought dead people to the underground and make them get trials. There are professional lawyers who support dead people. The director of the movie told that this decision was for theatrical fun, due to the fact that the 3 angels will be so boring if they only take dead people to underground courts. However, some critics of the movie insist that this is the work that disrespected the original work too much, which can make the ultimate work to be changed.

No matter there are some conflicts existing around this movie, one thing is clear: the movie was successful. We can conclude this way according to the number of viewers of this movie, and reputation of citizens. If you have some time this weekend, why don’t you go to the theater and watch this movie?

2017.12.29 By 박경재


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