The History of Fish-Shaped Bun대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2018-01-12 13:30:38

In South Korea, there are snack corners in the street which are always available in winter, and everyone likes it. Above all, there is the most popular snack, fish-shaped bun. It does not only have sweet scent but also hot, sweet and crispy taste that makes people buy it in winter. Most South Korean people think that fish-shaped bun is their country's food. But, did you know that fish-shaped bun is not originally a Korean snack? Then, where it came from?

The fish-shaped bun was imported from Japan to Korea in the 1930s. Its origin was the Japanese bun called "Taiyaki", which is shaped of snapper. Because snapper was much more expensive and precious than nowadays, normal people couldn't eat that fish. So, Taiyaki was made because normal people's wish to made a bun with the shaped of snapper and ate it. And, as it was imported to Korea in the 1930s, the shape of Taiyaki was changed to the shape of carp, the most familiar fish in Seoul in 1930s. Nevertheless, it was hard to see it for about 60 years. In the 1990s, it was brought back because of representing the retro style o 1950s to 60s. It means that fish shaped-bun is not only a winter snack but also representing 1950 to 60s.
The design of fish-shaped bun it simple and rough than other bread. However, its' simple shape is the reason why we love it because it makes us feel homesick. Also, there are various styles of fish shaped-bun. Some are formed in mini size, and some contain other drugs such as custard, pizza sauce, and ice cream. Recently, furthermore, the map of a google map by Korean people to people who are looking for it. The fish-shaped bun is baked to a beautiful brown to warm out life.


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