AI Cannot Win Humans Yet In Starcraft 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-12-20 15:19:49

October 3rd, at Sejong University, a South Korean professional gamer, Song-Byung-gu, won AI 4:0 at StarCraft. Song Byung-gu had a game with MJ bot, ZZZK bot, TSCMOO bot, and CherryPi. Song Byung-gu finished four games in 26 minutes and 22 seconds. He is one of the best StarCraft players in the world. AI could not cope with the opponent's moves and could not control their moves well, while Song-Byung-gu crushed the AIs to the death. There were no crises to Song Byung-gu.

▲ pro-gamer is better than AI yet.

▲ Song Byung-gu crushed MJ bot.

AIs show the limitation of algorithms. AIs were created with the way called, "Script". They could cope with the fixed situation. They could store a number of cases by Script way, so AI Alphago is the best baduk player in the world. However, at StarCraft, there is illimitable number of cases, so AI could not win the professional gamer. AIs could not handle Song Byung-gu's micro control, and Song Byung-gu handled the crisis better than AIs.

▲ AI cannot win Song Byung-gu

Statics show that Song Byung-gu recorded 300 actions per minute, while the AIs recorded 20,000 actions per minute. However, Song Byung-gu's gumption was better than AIs'. So, AI's strategy could not win Song Byung-gu's strategy. When the situations, which were not stored in AI happened, AI ran about in confusion at the center of the map. Sejong University's professor said that AIs would never win humans because AI could not do momentary decision, and it should learn "machine learning' that AIs study and personally strategize. Song Byung-gu said that AIs' Zerg play was worse than the computer, so AIs have yet to learn the control and judgement of human players. Then, if a professional gamer participates in training AIs, they can enormously improve.
In baduk or chess, AI is the best player, but in the game, it is hard for AI to win against humans. There are a lot of numbers of cases, so machine learning AI should think like humans and have judgement ability to win against them. In the future, if AI improves vastly, it can beat humans even in the game.

Nov. 11th, by Choi jae Hyuk


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