The 4th Industrial Revolution is coming대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-12-20 15:12:54

The 4th Industrial Revolution is an evolution of science. The 3rd Industrial Revolution started in 2000 and it is going to end. The most well-known thing that the 3rd Industrial Revolution made are cell phone, more developed computers, etc. At this present time, you can witness advancement to the 4th Industrial Revolution now. For example, there are AI(Artificial Intelligence, RT(Robot Technology), and 3D Printing.

▲ The history of each industrial revolution

AI(Artificial Intelligence) is an intelligence displayed by machines which understands one’s life patt

▲ AI

ern and environment around it. When it came out first, it used to use by bot on many games like League of Legend, Starcraft series, CS:GO. As the time pass by, many people say AI as a assistance, and it’s friendly on our daily life these days.

RT(Robot Technology) is a Robot which helps people like refrigerators, microwaves, and automatic-vacuum cleaner. At first, they worked with batteries, but the time goes, it evolved so much that could instead of real muscle, and the sensing like vision, touch also had involved a lot.

▲ 3D printer

3D Printing is a more developed printer which uses processes to create three dimensional objects. This printer can produce objects of any shape like arm, leg, eyes, house, etc. Many people will think about it like this thing made really suddenly and showed up to public, but it was made about 30 years ago. It can make 10 houses a day for a machine, and it will be effort to capitalism a lot.

This revolution looks good but there are some problems. Some jobs will be cut out forever because robots will replace the work. So, some people are arguing about “Should we develop or not?” and Stephen Hawking said “AI will be ‘either best thing’ for humanity.” Then, how can we prepare it? Some people are saying we need to find creative jobs which are fit for us. This situation will make someone fail, and someone succeed.

As a result of this the 4th Industrial Revolution, something can be good, and something can be bad. Now, we are just waiting for this. This is the time to prepare for this.


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