Choi Si-won’s Dog Bit a Woman대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-12-20 15:09:17

Recently, Choi Si-won’s dog bit a woman who was a representative of a famous Korean restaurant and she died from septicemia which is caused by viruses that come from outside of the body. She went to the hospital after she was bitten by the dog. The wound wasn’t serious. She also went the hospital two days later, and at that time, her wound was clean. It’s not certain that the disease was caused by Choi Si-won’s dog, but many people think it’s because of his dog. Also, Choi Si-won’s dog was not kept on a leash, so many people blame him and his family for that. Choi Si-won and his family visited the victim’s funeral and apologized to the victim’s family. Also, Choi Si-won and his father used their SNS messenger to say sorry to the victim. Although they apologized using their SNS messenger, people continue to blame him and his family. When the truth wasn’t minutely known to people, there were many articles that were exaggerated about her death, so many people read these articles and misunderstood the facts about this accident. Because of those exaggerated articles, people’s anger increased.

Using his social media, Choi Si-won said, “We are so sorry for her death. We should be careful about leashing dogs. However, it’s not certain that the viruses which caused septicemia came from our dog. It’s possible that the virus had infected her in the hospital while curing the wound. But we are so sorry about this.” Also, his father said, “Too many speculative rumors that are different from the facts are spreading. Because of this, I’m worried that these rumors can be harmful to the bereaved family who are silently mourning the victim’s death. So, please don’t spread any more speculative rumors.” Watching this comment, some people said, “He is trying to cover up this affair.” While people are blaming Choi Si-won on SNS messenger, the victim’s son had an interview. During the interview, he said, “I won’t accuse Choi Si-won’s family because I want to end my mother’s funeral peacefully. His family already apologized to us sincerely, so there is no reason to accuse him. Also, it’s meaningless to fight them in court, though my mother won’t come to life again.” And the bereaved family ended the police’s investigation to her death as a death from the disease. Due to this, many people say that the bereaved family is very tolerant.

After this accident, people found out that Choi Si-won’s dog had already bitten people who live in the same apartment and also, a few years ago, Lee Teuk, Super Junior’s leader said that Choi Si-won’s dog bit him on his SNS messenger. His dog even bit his own master, Choi Si-won. After people found this information using the SNS messenger, people blamed him more than before because he could have done something to prevent his dog from biting people if his dog had bitten people in the past. Because of the people’s blame and his sense of guilt, Choi Si-won will not participate in the comeback concert for Super Junior, a Korean idol group. Super Junior’s other members say that they are so sorry that he can’t participate in this album even though the members practiced hard for it. Also, Choi Si-won didn’t appear in a TV program in which the Super Junior’s members are supposed to appear and he didn’t participate in a fan meeting event held in Japan, either.


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