Damages from Pohang Earthquakes대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-12-20 15:05:20

In Korea, if people want to go to college, they have to take a test. This is a scholastic aptitude test. The test was due on November 16, 2017. However, it was delayed after a week due to earthquakes. This time, the earthquake's place of origin is Pohang in Korea.

▲ The vice-premier announcing that the scholastic aptitude test would be delayed.

▲ The post attached to the closed school gate

A magnitude 5.5 quake occurred in Pohang, Gyeonggi Province, 40 kilometers from the epicenter of the quake in September last year. There were no casualties until 4 a.m. Wednesday, killing 57 people and injuring more than 1,500.

▲ The situation in Pohang on Nov. 15th when the earthquake took place

Following the quake, POSCO E&C maintains momentum for the ongoing progressive development of the Pohang earthquake. After the earthquake, Pohang is 43 times more susceptible to aftershocks.

The magnitude of the quake was felt lower than in the quake, but the earthquake was felt to be 9km underground, far better than 14 to 15 km quake. Because of the Pohang earthquake, some of the scholars and journalists speak their mind on liquefaction for the first time in Korea. However, relating to the earthquake, the weather center deferred their result. Liquefaction means strong earthquake hit the ground. The ground swings and mixes with the underground water. The ground has become squashy. This phenomenon is called liquefaction.

For this time, Korean High school third-grade students are affected too much. Korea has to take care more about the earthquake, and citizens have to conduct an evacuation drill. From now on, Korea is not in a safe zone.

Nov. 26th, by 박소희


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