League of Legendary Legend and Large Updates, Forward Policies대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-11-26 00:59:00

Recently, the popularity of the popular game of Legends of Legends, " LOL, " has changed greatly through a massive update at the end of the season. It will change again. News updates are being issued at once. For example, some argue that the Rune is free from royalties, and the properties can be found in Rune county. There was also a new hero in addition to some other premonitions.

▲ New runes

First of all, it is the characteristics of Rune, and it is for free. Currently, many users are puzzled because of the sheer number of users who are excited and overemphasized. This newly created rune feature has five categories : precision, mastery, magic, resolution, and inspiration. If you choose to pick up Rune, you can choose three out of nine. Therefore, there is a good appreciation that all of the characteristics of the game can be characterized by having a little character from one's character.
Another example is the 135th hero, 'Joey." Joey is enough to stimulate the innocence of childhood, so lots of male users expect it to come out quickly. Also, Joey's brilliant shoot shot up and renewed her newfound hopes. Also, Joey's introduction of "Joey's Anatomy," introduces Joey's character, and has indirectly expressed the importance of an operational hero (a hero's ability to be a mess). Joey's talents were also shown again in Joey's skills.

▲ New hero`s Joey
These updates will be made through the free season, and we will see if this patch was successful. Finally, many of the roll-off and reward systems are expected to be anticipated by the end of the year. Many people want to be rewarded for good things, but they can be rewarded according to their own ability. First of all, bronze, which belongs to most people, can be provided with a profile badge and an icon. Next, silver receives summoners and icons like bronze, but the other points can be paid for the loading screen and the additional skin. Next is gold. Gold is like silver, but the other one is different. You will receive an additional bonus called "Graves." The beginning of the season to run again is January 16, 2018. From then on, it seems that the changes to Rune, the character, and other updates will likely be used properly.
The League of Legends has recently sold 2,000 copies of the Blue House. Also, re-organized growth has grown since E-Sport grew 33 percent in two years, 33 percent increase from a year earlier. Therefore, Leyton will check more frequently and distribute more information to users of the game. Competition in the game market is a great phenomenon, and it will contribute greatly to the development of the game industry.


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