Big Data, the Program Leading the New Era대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-11-26 01:06:06

Big data is a term that describes a large volume of data.

It can be analyzed for insights that lead to better decisions and strategic business moves.

It is being used in many fields these days.
The amount of data just keeps growing.

The total amount of data stored is expected to be 140 zetabytes until 2020.

That means there is, even more, potential to glean key insights from business information.

Big data comes from various places.

For example, 32 percent of the data comes from the United States, 13 percent comes from china, 19 percent comes from the Westen Europe, four percent comes from India, and the rest of it comes from the rest of the world.

Big data is used in various fields.

First of all, big data can be used in banking services.

Banks should find new innovative ways to manage big data.

For example, they can use some data for customers' satisfaction.

Secondly, big data can be used in educational service.

Educators armed with data can make a significant impact on school systems, students, and curriculums.

Thirdly, big data can be used by the government.

For instance, they can gain significant grounds when it comes to managing utilities, running agencies, dealing with traffic congestion or preventing crime.

Moreover, big data can be used in health care services.

Health care providers can take care of the patients' health more effectively.

Next, big data can be used in manufacturing.

Manufacturers can boost the quality of their output while minimizing waste.

Lastly, big data program can be even used in agriculture.
Many jobs can be changed by this program.

For example, health trainers are no longer necessary.

Instead, a machine occupied with the big data will manage our body and diet in the future. Scientists think that the big data can be the most important technology for the future IT industry.


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