The Korean Obesity Rate Is Increasing대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-12-20 14:48:17

▲ Obesity

These days, most Korean people do not exercise because they are busy. Students have to study in school and adults have to be at work. Due to this situation, many people in South Korea are becoming obese with the rate increasing steadily every year. By the way, obesity is dangerous to all people, so we have to prevent it in advance.

▲ Youth Obesity Rate

The worsening condition of South Korean obesity is becoming more prominent. The youth obesity rate is 11.2% in 2008, 14.3% in 2010, 14.7% in 2012, 15.0% in 2014, and 16.5% in 2016. These percentages show how many of our youth are becoming obese. Thus, people have to know why obesity is dangerous. Do you know why it is dangerous? First, obese people can suffer from developing disease conditions, as a result of obesity. This can include high blood pressure, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia. These are very dangerous to young people. Second, people will suffer from a weakened physical level of strength. This is because obese people lose confidence and become lethargic. Third, they can also develop other diseases that are serious. Obese people have a high rate of incidence of cancer, arthritis, and sleep disorder. Fourth, because of some psychological impacts, obese, people often suffer from depression.

▲ How To Prevent Obesity

Society has to help obese people solve the problem of obesity. How do we prevent obesity in everyday life? First, people have to increase active mass. When they go to school or work, they have to make an effort of getting there on foot. Also, they have to participate in leisure activities for increasing active mass. Second, people have to maintain a regular dietary habit. They have to eat meals on time, and they have to eat breakfast every day. This can help keep a healthy body. Third, people have to eat meals slowly. If people eat foods quickly, they will learn to eat more just to feel satiated. However, if people eat foods slowly, they do not need to eat as much in the future.
In South Korea, many people are concerned about obesity. Therefore, we have to know why it is dangerous and how to prevent it. From now on, people have to keep their weight at a healthy level.

November 11th, by Son Jueun


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