Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak Releases New Program대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-11-06 17:03:49

Steve Wozniak, Apple Co-founder and IWoz author, released the new program Woz U on

October 13th. It is an online or offline program to help people get into the technology business.

Woz U was made to help people get into the technology business. To be exact, it was made to help people figure out what tech job they are best at to help 
them prepare for it. For example, my characteristics could qualify me to

be a programmer. If so, they will prepare me to become a programmer.

There will be an app released to learn lessons or topics, simply by logging on

to a phone or computer. Additionally, there will also be campuses in more than 30 cities around the world. They will also be supporting school districts with

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) programs.

Woz U is not the first coding school to help us prepare for jobs. In fact, there are a substantial

number of camps similar to Woz U. For example, there is Udacity, founded in 2012, and holds more than

1.5 million users. There is also Code School, Skillcrush, and others. So, what makes Woz U different?

Critics say that the technology industry rarely hires boot camp graduates over the person with a

four-year degree. That is why Woz U is trying to differentiate camps by its various divisions, such as expanding the curriculum to not only basics on computer support and software

development, but also about data scientists and cyber security experts. Additionally, they

will help them with their resumes, practice

coding tests, and build out their portfolios.

This program is becoming a hot issue among people as taking it could help them

with any job as the fourth industrial revolution is happening largely on computers or coding.

“Our goal is to educate and train

people in employable digital skills without

putting them into years of debt,” Wozniak

said. Many people are saying that they will

start charging on courses soon, but it will be

cheap as we can infer to what he is saying.

Who knows? Maybe this program

could make another genius programmer, such as Steve Wozniak, and make a company like Apple.


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