The Technology Make Human Healthier대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-11-03 19:29:01

The most powerful and world famous documentary channel, 'National Geographic Channel' has been televised the science technology documentary "The Year Million". This is about the future science and technology, and there is interesting topic in 6th episode; the future that human can live for a hundreds of years. By the nano-technology, human can make the span of humanities life longer. But before that, human started to make artificial organs to live longer and to live more comfortable.

▲ ˝The Year Million˝

The Belgian digital marketing company 'the New Fusion', announced that they will implant the NFC chips in there hand, between the thumb and index finger. There is a personal information in that chip so the workers do not need to bring their employee card. Not in the company, we can use this in home. We can use it as a key and can unlock their phone by putting your phone onto your hand. Also you can buy a coffee just put your hand on the card reader. This comfortable technology is called, the bio hacking. It is also called as bio medical engineering and its purpose is to make human life more comfortable and live longer.

▲ NFC Chips implanted in Their Hand

But the bio hacking is for the human without disabilities. So a lot of medical devise companies are trying to make a artificial organic for the disabilities. One of the most complicated and deliberate organ is the eye. Many company succeeded to make an artificial heart or some organs but it is hard to make artificial eye because it is connected with the nerve system. But some company succeeded to make an artificial eye to make people 'see' the world. In Melvern, Australia, succeeded to make a diamond-electrode bionic eyes. It can create the signal of the light and stimulate and send the signal to the brain. Also, there is a sunglasses that can make same signal of the bionic eyes.

▲ Diamond-electrode Bionic Eyes

The future of the human is getting endless and infinite. Some scientists predict the future that human live for a very long time. Now we cannot foresee the future but maybe we can wait for the technology for a eternal life with a happy heart.


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