Health is The Best Treasure For Us!대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-10-10 10:00:34

▲ Eating junk food easily lets people become obesity.

For 8 years, percent of obesity between twenty and forty has increased a lot. Because of increasing automation, mechanization, and especially development of transportation caused one third of Koreans to become obese now.

There are very diverse elements to make people fat. According to the survey of national health insurance, extremely obese was high on poor people than rich people. Why? People who don't have enough money cannot afford to buy healthy food and they also didn't get education well. So they easily exposed to junk food such as chocolate, candy or fast food.

▲ Most people want to get a slim body.

Most people want to be skinny in a short time. For it, some of them try unconditional fast. And other people do liposuction. But they has severe risk. Our body need nutrition to live. So not eating is harmful to us. liposuction is dangerous for skin to lose their elasticity. Then, the best way to diet is "Self- administer with exercise" Control your diet is really important to go on a diet. You need effort to set the healthy table with nutritious and cheap food like bean and spinach. Regular exercise can affect positively to your body.

▲ Exercising is the best to our health

On "youtube(free video sharing site)", there are diverse and detailed exercise videos. One of the popular editor who upload exercise video is "Blogilates". She make people healthier, better and more positive person by teaching how to stretching, leg exercise, and also mind training. She told "Diet not to be skinny, be healthy" She upload video to introduce good habits to be healthy and lose weight.

Do you think you are healthy? If you think that you should lose your weight, you can be healthy by eating nutritious foods without sugar and exercising regularly.


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