Terrible Assault of Middle School Students대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-10-10 10:00:54

     A few days ago, a shocking incident spread rapidly through SNS. South Koreans are now interested in the incident. The incident first appeared through CCTV, including four female middle school students who assaulted and one female middle school student. CCTV images spread widely in various community sites and SNS, causing serious controversery.

▲ scene of assaults on CCTV

The victim's mother revealed her daughter's status and position.

▲ serious status of victim

As a result, Facebook was illuminated, and concrete details began to emerge. Two months ago, she was first assaulted, and the reason for the assault was that she received a phone call from the perpetrator's boyfriend. The victim has been assaulted by five people and wounded two weeks in the hospital. The victim reported to the police, but the poor response resulted in the victim being attacked b

y a second assault, retaliation. The secondary damage was caught by the CCTV. Through the victim's friend, she lubricated her, made her drink alchol for an hour, and then hit her with an iron pipe. The 14-year-old victim will have three stitches and three on heads, and the scars of cigarette smoke have scarred for life. The more shocking part is, that the spreading of SNS gave the attackers a ridiculous comment. They showed no signs of remorse, and pictures of the problem apeared.

▲ compunctionless attitude toward their assaults

The remaining three involved in the assault. It is supposed to take place in Busan Family Court, which is responsible for punishing young people. However, juveniles under the age of 14 got commutation. For these reasons, people are now upset and appealing petition to punish the attacker.


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