The Heads of S. Korea and U.S. agree to Remove Limit on Payload of S. Korean Missiles대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-20 16:41:03

South Korea has a missile guideline. The missile guideline is for the development of ballistic missile regulations between Korea and United States. This missile guideline was founded in 1979, and its contents are steadily renewed.

On Sept. 4th, South Korean President Moon and United States President Trump had a telephone conservation from 10:45 PM to 11:25 PM.They agreed to remove the limit on payload of S. Korean Missiles. This missile guideline revision caused many controversies in South Korea, and North Korea. The opposition party thinks that we need to have a tactical nuclear weapon, but the ruling party said we do not need to have a tactical nuclear weapon. Moreover, in North Korea, the press said that is highly ridiculous to try to prolong the life of the deceased by extending the weight of the missile warhead to the master of the missile. So, it shows that North Korea thinks that the missile guideline revision can not negatively affect them.

Then, on the other side, Ho Gab-je, the representative of, said that South Korea can withdraw the NPT, the Nonpreliferation Treaty, and make its own nuclear warhead without America's economic sanction. South Korea has a high level of dependence upon foreign trades. So, if America imposes sanction, not only South Korea but also America get a damage. So, America can not impose a sanction. Then, Trump said that he agrees with South Korea and Japan's nuclear armament, so he thinks we can make our own nuclear warhead.

In conclusion, this missile guideline revision caused many controversies, someone thinks we need to have a tactical nuclear weapon, and North Korea said this missile guideline revision does no have influence to them. Moreover, someone said that we have to withdraw the NPT, and make our own nuclear warhead. It is because we do not have any economic sanction from United States, and the president of the United States stated that South Korea and Japan can make a nuclear weapon. Nevertheless, nobody knows whether this revision has good or bad effects.

                                                            Sept. 19th, by 김민균


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