Is Islam the Origin of Terrorism?대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-20 16:54:24

 IS announced that they will go to Rome to kill the pope.Also, they supported tremendous terror attacks in Europe like those in England and in Spain.

 So, many people said that Islam is the origin of terror and they claimed that we should remove Muslims in the world. Seeing this, we can say that many people think Islam as a religion of violence and the origin of evil. However, there are some misunderstandings about Islam. We cannot say that violence is its main purpose, and it supports ISIS terrorism.

 The truth is Islam is a peace ful religion like any other religons. Following its roots of origin, it started as a denomination of Christianity. Muslims created Koran as a Bible, and they followed it very strictly. Their words are also composed of loving words and peaceful words. For example, greetings in Arabic words contain the meaning "Peace on you", and they always use words which mean "I'm blessed to meet you" or "Welcom and be calm". These warm words' meanings cannot be found anywhere without the Arabic language, the main language of Muslims. However, many people do not know this fact. They just know Islamic extremists who interpret Koran as the guide of terror. These Muslims have only few members comparedto original Muslims. Their concepts are also classified as dangerous in Islam. For example, many Islamic countries are now processing the project to eliminate extremist Muslims in their countriesm, and many extremist Muslims are imprisoned in just near five years.

 What I want to say is with prejudice, we cannot see the hidden part. I believe that many people have few knowledge about Islam, and they recognize Islam as a terrible religion in the world with the information of wrong news. I hope that many people can see Islam as a peaceful religion.


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