Fight for an Objective and Reliable Broadcast.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-11 13:34:16

▲ The union members are shouting slogans for Kim Jang Kyom president of MBC and Go Dea Young president of KBS to resignate.
"Oh, my god", I said. "Again?" I shouted, while viewing news articles. The title of the article is "MBC Declared a General Strike." I was depressed because I cannot watch my favorite TV program for quite a long time. However, while I was reading the article, my feeling changed from depression to anger. This strike has to be conducted!

There was a strike in 2012, and it lasted for 170 days. That strike happened because after Kim Jea Chol, who was close to Lee Myeong Bak, the former president of South Korea, was appointed to MBC president, MBC was criticized for loss of authority as a fair broadcast channel. MBC was subjected to severe criticism that it descended to promote the political power. Also, MBC reporters were kicked out due to their demonstration against Korea-U.S. FTA. Hereupon, reporters held protests, claiming to replace the personage who caused MBC's crippled news. Many people felt sadness because they could not watch a lot of TV programs.

▲ MBC union members are promoting resolution, demanding the resignation of the Kim Jang Kyom.
 Five years later, the strike was declared again. This strike was called due to a blacklist. In this blacklist, the workers who work for MBC broadcast were graded such as O, X and others. Many people who worked for MBC had to be dismissed by this blacklist. Now, the blacklist came out into the open. For this reason, unionized workers have been boycotting new production and demanding the president's resignation over his alleged political meddling in news production. A seould court issued a warrant to detain the chief of public broadcaster for a week for an investigation about alleged unfair labor practices.

Even though many people cannot watch some TV program which are broadcasted on MBC channel, they cheer for the MBC labor union. I also hope the MBC labor union to win this fight to make a fair public broadcast even if it takes quite a long time. The public has the right to have an objective and reliable broadcast, and nobody can steal our rights.

▲ Kim Tae Ho MBC PD tweeted the MBC cancelled popular entertainment shows `Infinite Challenge`.


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