North Fires three short range missiles대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-11 13:43:41

     On August 26th, the US identified three missiles that were fired from the east coast of North Korea. The three projectiles were short range missiles that were fired into the east sea. Out of the three missiles, one failed and the other two were successful.

▲ North Korea firing three short ranged ballistic missiles

     The two successful missiles flew about 250 km while the other missile blew up shortly after it was fired. The missiles posed no threat to Guam or North America. August 26th was also the day that the UFG (Ulchi Freedom Guardian) drills, a combined military exercise between the US and South Korea began. The missile launches were seen as North Korea's protest against these drills, and Pyongyang even warned the US that the UFG military drills could develop into an uncontrollable phase of a nuclear war.

     The UFG drills are an annual joint military drill conducted by the US and South Korea. However, the UFG drill conducted on August 26th came at a time when both Pyongyang and Washington were on alert. Tensions had been escalating before North Korea had launched the missiles on Saturday. Otto Warmbier, a US college student, had been detained in North Korea for over a year before he was returned to the US in a coma, only to die a few days later. This led to the US imposition of a travel ban to North Korea and other various sanctions. North Korea also threatened to turn Guam into a "sea of fire" which president Trump responded to by saying North Korea will see fire and fury that the world has never seen before if it did not stop making threats.

▲ President Trump on his ˝Fire and Fury˝ statement

     Despite the North Korean crisis, Rex Tillerson, the US Secretary of State, praised the North for showing restraint in its weapons program. President Trump also said "I respect the fact that Kim Jong Un is starting to respect us.". Although there is tension between North Korea and other countries, using military force is not an option. A peaceful solution is the optimal choice.


By: 김태균 



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