Problems of an Aging Society대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-08 16:03:10
  • 수정 2017-09-11 17:05:36

▲ Subway in Korea

Have you ever heard about an aging society? An aging society means the population of the aged is getting old. Also, it means that there are fewer babies and there are a lot of elderly people. According to UN, Korea has the fastest growing population of the aging people. If this situation continues, elderly population will be 20 percent and more in 2026. It is because of the low birth rate, and the advanced medical technologies. An aging society affects negatively to the economy.

The problem of an aging society is that it can make the economy worse. When there are fewer babies and a lot of elderly people, it also means that there are fewer people who can work and a lot of people who cannot work. Those who cannot work need help to live. However, these workers have to pay much taxes than now, because the government has to help the elderly people through welfare facilities and welfare systems, which need a lot of taxes to keep.

▲ An example of aging society in Japan

We can solve this problem by increasing the number of babies, or birth rate. To do this, the government has to spend much taxes than now in welfare and incentives for people who have babies and those who are pregnant. Also, we can make more jobs for the elderly people and increase a retirement age, because not all of the elderly people cannot work. It can help to eliminate the loneliness of the elderly people as well.

We always have to be aware of the problems of an aging society. We should.

make a lot of effort, and take action to solve the problems that might happen because of an aging society.


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