Starcraft: Remastered대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-09-04 13:59:25
  • 수정 2017-09-11 22:28:57

▲ (New Starcraft:Remastered unveiled)

Blizzard Entertainment unveiled a new game. The name of the new game is Starcraft: Remastered. Since its unveiling, many people have played it many times on their computers. Starcraft is one of the best games in the world. The people's passion of Starcraft was too big, so competitiors were tryiing to create another game to topple it off the top spot. The power of Starcraft has been amazing. Starcraft has created many legends and legendary people in the world. Legendary people include Yo Han,Guillanume Party, and many others. They amaze people with their admirable game plays. Today, this legendary game has been remastered 20 years after its first release.

The first features of Starcraft: Remastered is 4K ultra high definition graphics. The graphics of the game is very important because it gives us the sensation of immersion and feeling of movement, so we can get more joy in playing the game. Also, Blizzard Entertainment offers us segmentalized options to make each user fell more comfortable while playing. The second feature is a refreshed sound track. We can have better concentration on the game thanks to this. Third, Blizzard Entertainment preserved the original gameplay, so that the user will not feel inconvenienced during the games.

▲ (Example of Starcraft: Remastered)

Suppose Blizzard Entertainment decided to change the gameplay of Starcraft: Remastered, people who play the game will need to adapt a new, and the popularity of Starcraft may decrease. Fourth, they put in some random games and advancement ones. For Starcraft's stable revival, they did this to gain the people's interest. The desired result, was achieved. The response of the public was good because people who play the game want to premote their levels and gain more self-respect.

▲ (Package of Starcraft: Remastered)

Starcraft: Remastered is a great enough game to get popularity in public since its release in 8/15, but we can play it inside any PC room in South Korea. As the release date came nearer, more interest increased.

September 2nd

by Moon Seong Woo


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