Naju City‘s Attempted Murder, North Korean Defector대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-29 11:07:10

▲ You Te-jun`s face

 Have you heard about Naju attempted murder, North Korean defector? You may have watched it on the Internet. Why did he flee?
Last week, the attempted murder of North Korean defector had a check-up in a psychiatric hospital. However, he fled suddenly on the way out of the hospital. The government started to have a public investigation, but he is not yet caught, and they have not found a clue. He is known for you Te Jun, 48 years old, and he has a delusion symptom. Actually, he usually thought someone killed him, and he was arrested by Naional Intelligence Service. So, they are determined to put more manpower for investigation, but they do not find anything. The first escape point is mental hospital that mobilizes a police dog. Before he lived in Mapo-gu, Seoul, a police defector detached him, and You Te Jun killed his younger sibling by different mother in 2008. Therefore, the police protected his half brother. You Te Jun cut his electronic bracelet by two bricks, and the police eletronic bracelet was broken for the signal. Nevertheless, in CCTV and black box, they do not find evidence.

▲ Electronic Bracket Testing

 The attempted murder of North Korean defector, Yoo Tae-ju, escaped from North Korea in 1988 and returned to South Korea in 2001 to return to North Korea again in 2001. He returned to North Korea in 2002 and returned to South Korea in 2002. The police estimated he would commit suicide. In 2002, after the attempted death of North Korean, Yu Tae-joon was sentenced to three years in prison for attempting to murder his sister in 2004, and was sent to a psychiatric clinic last year. He was transported to Naju, where he was wearing an electronic ankle monitor and escaped when he escaped and fled. Police say they were looking for a chance to kill themselves in the mountain, but they were looking for a hidden mountain in the middle of it, but they would not have escaped with an electronic ankle monitor. As the police say, he said he would return to North Korea again, and he seems likely to have escaped to North Korea.


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