Disgrace of Legal Circles대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-29 10:55:24

▲ In June 21, 2017, Choi You Jeong lawyer arrived at Seocho-gu, Seoul Central District Court to appear in second trial

A hand of devil knocked the door, and a lawyer did not rejected the devil's whisper. The lawyer, named Choi You Jeong, exchanged justice for five billion won and finally, in turn, for accepting devil's ask, the lawyer lose her power, wealth and honor.

In July 2017, Choi You Jeong walked her way into the courthouse covering her face with a towel for a trial. She took five billion won, from Jung Woon Ho, who is the representative of a famous cosmetics company and was in jail for illegal overseas gambling charges. She helped him to be released in bail of a suspended sentence in an appeal in turn for the bribes.


▲ Jung Woon He is the representative of a famous cosmetics company and was in jail for illegal overseas gambling charges.
his application to the court for bail has been refused, so his sister got back three billion won from lawyer Choi, and the lawyer resigned the counsel. Thereafter, Jung Woon Ho sent his new lawyer for getting back half of two billion won, but she refused. So, Jung Woon Ho assaulted lawyer Choi, and he was charged with an assault by her. In the process, they were found in bribery charges, and lawyer Choi was sentenced for six years' imprisonment at the first trial.

▲ Choi You Jeong, a head judge-turned-lawyer, was sentenced for six years for prison labor in second trial.

 Choi You Jeong was sentenced for six years for prison labor in the trial on an appeal case. The court said that a former judge, the defendant took an enormous amount of money from her clients by peddling influence and giving them the wrong idea that they could solicit favors from the court. He also added that this is the crime of head judge-turned-lawyer, and this case has disrupted fairness of procedure of criminal cases and national trust in jurisdiction. He has to dispel the wrong awareness in the society called the privileges of one's former post. Also, it is inevitable to impose strict punishment. After the second trial, she protested against the decision, so she appealed to the Supreme Court.

 This case is a disgrace of South Korea legal circles and the same cases should not happen again. It needs efforts such as national thorough and keen interest to make a fair society.

August 13th, by 신영서


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