The New President of South Korea, Moon Jae-in Will remove over regulation for New ICT growth 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-28 10:38:59

▲ ˝Negative Regulation˝ system.

 During Moon Jae-in's campaign trail, he emphasized that preparing for "Fourth - Industrial Revolution" is essential. It includes ICT(Information and Communications Technologies) that has been over regulated recently in South Korea Spurring to the new ICT growth, Moon pledged to create better policies like "Negative Regulation" system.

▲ Moon pledged to help for the growth of digital economy by adopting ˝Negative Regulation˝ system.

 Moon pledged to help for the growth of digital economy by stripping away old policies, overhauling over regulation, and adopting "Negative Regulation" system. Until these days, the government of South Korea implements "Positive Regulation" like white list, permitting certain items on law. So, other items are regulated with the consent of the government. Whereas, "Negative Regulation" system for the IT industry means a black list, banning certain items. So, it reduce regulation than "Positive Regulation" that we have before.

▲ Industry 4.0

Becoming a front runner in the global race for next-generation technologies, especially in ICT, needs to reform outdated policies. Removing over regulation in ICT is a considerable assistance to ICT company. Invigorating creative and innovative company like the one in America that requires assistance of the government. Therefore, Moon must keep in mind as a precedent of an advanced country in ICT.

June 4th, by Kim Hyeong-Jo


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