Dubai Skyscraper Fire: No Injuries Reported대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-08-28 10:37:45

▲ Torch Tower was destroyed by a fire

One of the world tallest residential towers, the Torch Tower in Dubai, was destroyed by a fire. The Torch Tower is believed to be the seventh tallest residential skyscraper in the world. It has 676 apartments. Unfortunately, it was severaly hit by a fire thought the residents were quickly evacauted. So, no injuries were reported. Thirty eight of the 676 apartments were destroyed. In June, a fire also took Grenfell Tower in London with at lleast 80 deaths. In Dubai, more people survived. Dubai's Civil Defence announced at about 3:30 a.m., that firefighters had brought the blaze under control and said cooling operations were under way.

▲ Back 2015, Torch Tower was also hit with a fire

 After that situation, authorities shared a photo of the towerm but there were no longer flames. Officials siad that they were working on providing shelter for the survivors. An official mentioned that a team has spent most of its time on phone with tenants to check if they are in Dubai. Some of them might have been on vacation and were not present in the building. Several skyscrapers in Dubai have caught fire these days. So, earlier this year, Dubai passed new fire safety rules. It will insure that people in any firce incident will have no injury. Back 2015, Torch Tower was also hit with a fire. The fire broke out at dawn, on 21 February 2015. Residents requestting emergenct accommodation were housed for free in a hotel for up to two months. The 2017 fire broke out at dawn, too. A witness said that debris from the fire were fallinf to the ground, starting a second fire in the street below.

▲ Thirty eight of the 676 apartments were destroyed

 People who live in skyscrapers can get a lesson from this accident. They have to check their fire alarm system regulary. Surcicors from the Torch Tower survived because they were able to wake up from the fire alarm, Many countries have to made special rules for this situationm too. Fires can be dangerous since they can cause death or injuries. On August 2017 at about 1 am(local time) Dubai's one of the most tallest building in the worldm Torch Tower was destroyed by the fire.

August 27, by Park Min-ji


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